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Dataplattform og samarbeid for personlig tilpasset kreftbehandling

En av utfordringene med dagens kreftbehandling er at enkelte kreftsyke ikke responderer på behandling i det hele tatt. Seald forsøker derfor å utvikle en metode for å analysere levende kreftceller og skreddersy medisiner til den enkelte pasient.



Azure Data Lake, Python, Logic Apps, PowerBI, SharePoint/Teams

Dette er ytterst komplisert arbeid. Det krever gjennomgang av enorme mengder pasient‑ og behandlingsdata av team av spesialister og forskningspartnere, fra bioinformatikkforskere til kliniske spesialister, med ulike perspektiver og behov. Så hvordan skulle vi legge til rette for samarbeid mellom slike fagmiljøer og sikre effektiv bruk av datasettene, samtidig som pasientens personvern ble ivaretatt?

Det første vi gjorde, var å raskt utvikle en skalerbar og kostnadseffektiv dataplattform. Data ble lagret og distribuert via Azure Data Lake til Power BI, og MS SharePoint/Teams for deling av resultater. Videre etablerte vi metoder for utveksling og strukturering av komplekse data og visualisering av analyser i Power BI for ny innsikt for forskning og diagnose.
Dette tverrfaglige prosjektet bestod på den ene siden av eksperter innen molekylærbiologi, forskning, klinisk testing og medisinsk regulering, mens vi sto for IT‑arkitektur, data engineering, data science og datavisualisering.
Complying with EU directives for software categorised as medical equipment (IEC 62304) was a pre‑requisite and implied extensive requirements for handling of sensitive data, as well as establishing a quality system.
En forutsetning var at vi overholdt EU‑direktivet for programvare kategorisert som medisinsk utstyr (IEC 62304), som stiller omfattende krav til håndtering av sensitive data, samt etablering av et kvalitetssystem.
Prosjektet fikk både mye oppmerksomhet, anerkjennelse og omtale, blant annet denne artikkelen i Digital Norway.

In three clinical studies, we have collected an enormous amount of data. Structuring and categorizing these data in a comprehensible format, is almost a research project in itself

Tove Cecilie Viebe, Founder and CEO, Seald

  • Unit

    Design of target architecture

    Design of target architecture
    UNIT’s mission is to serve as an innovative driver of digitalisation within higher education and research. UNIT develops and manages a joint IT architecture for standardisation of processes, of data and technical interfaces across the sector. Mindshift designed the target architecture for co‑ordinated systems and integration services, including principles for system modernisation, a new platform for API development and coaching of UNIT’s developers, to improve efficiency of design and implementation of new services.
  • Direktoratet for Byggkvalitet

    Building a sector-wide digital ecosystem

    Building a sector-wide digital ecosystem
    Citizens struggle finding planning documentation relevant to their own property. When they do, they are difficult to interpret and do not provide straightforward answers to their questions – typically, can I build what I have in mind? Mindshift executed a pilot project on behalf of DiBk, in co‑operation with three local municipalities, in which heavily used planning documents were presented on the muncipalities’ websites. The presentations provided simplified texts and visuals that enabled citizens to get their questions answered quickly and reducing traffic to the call centres.
  • If

    Solution architecture for business system

    Solution architecture for business system
    Mindshift defined the solution architecture for If’s new business system serving all insurance products within the commercial sector in the Nordics, including integrations to customer relation management, call centre, claims and payment systems, enabling If to roll out new products faster, lower system maintenance costs and innovate at a faster pace.
  • Klaveness

    Becoming a data-driven organization

    Becoming a data-driven organization
    In the shipping industry, data capturing, data analytics and eventually data‑driven decision making has become vital to stay competitive. But how do you transform the organization to master these skills?
  • Data platform


    Mindshift established a new data platform for Statped based on Microsoft Azure. Mindshift also developed a set of reports in Power BI for case management and follow‑up, statistics on usage of Statped’s services and tracking of KPI performance related to goals, as stated in the government allocation letter. The reports were designed in close co‑operation between our data engineers and behaviour scientists to ensure usability, user adoption and required actions by the users.
  • Skogdata

    Data platform across the value chain

    Data platform across the value chain
    Skogdata sources and structures data across the value chain from forest owner to the wood processing industry and use advanced analytics to provide decision support to all parties in the value chain. Mindshift designed and implemented a modern data warehouse, including all required integrations, based on the Azure technology and adapted to Skogdata’s maturity and competence level.


Mindshift AS
Wergelandsveien 21 B
0167 Oslo
Telefon 982 38 713
Org. nr. 818 500 912 MVA

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